Our first-year classes encourage you to consider what ideas, scientific evidence, and art can contribute to your personal development. How might a novel affect how you view others? What can a scientific study teach you about social hierarchy and stress? Does a philosophical argument about free speech change your mind about censorship? These are the kinds of questions we invite you to dwell on. The point is not to get the right answer on a test, it’s to let your mind explore alternative views.
Choose two quarters to take COLLEGE during your first year at Stanford. Alternatively, you can also fulfill the COLLEGE requirement by participating in the ESF, ITALIC, or SLE programs. Visit Compare Options to Fulfill the Requirement for a handy chart to see the differences.
COLLEGE Courses 2024-2025
Citizenship in the 21st Century
Seminars offer a unique frosh experience. In Winter, consider your place within your communities in Citizenship in the 21st Century.
What makes this course unique? Starting with Stanford’s fundamental standard, we ask how citizenship in a community needs to be constantly redefined and reinvigorated for each new era.
Come together beyond the classroom. All frosh are invited to a panel on the crisis of democracy and other major events.
Meets 2x/week. Attend Seminar twice for 80 minutes, each week. 3 Units.
Ways. Way-ER or Way-SI
Special Programs
Participating in the programs below also counts toward the COLLEGE requirement.
ITALIC: Immersion in the Arts
Completing the full year of ITALIC fulfills COLLEGE in addition to other requirements.