Please contact Dan Edelstein.
Enhancement Funds
Course enhancement funds are used most frequently for activities, such as field trips, film nights, faculty lunches, and outside speakers, and course development materials.
Course enhancement funds have been used for visits to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the DeYoung, and the Tech Museum in San Jose. Students have also attended talks at Litquake, a San Francisco Literary Festival, as well as taken private guided tours of Alcatraz Island and Mission Dolores. Courses have also visited local businesses such as 23andMe, a start-up providing genetic testing. Faculty may also want to bring guest lecturers and guest performances to campus for in class lectures and performances, or lunch time discussion groups. We encourage faculty to connect to their students over lunch or coffee.
Course Development Assistants (CDAs)
Course Development Assistants may be hired to assist faculty with assembling the Course Reader (bibliographic searches, photocopying, etc.), to help coordinate field trips, course film nights, or faculty lunch sessions, or for other course preparation tasks (e.g. locating images or video clips for lectures, etc.) CDAs are typically graduate students paid on an hourly basis; salary rates depend on the complexity of the tasks required.
Academic Technology
Academic Technology Specialist assistance for integrating technological methods and assignments into syllabi, lectures, and presentations. The ATS is available for consultation and tutorials.
See Academic Technology or contact Beth Seltzer.
Classroom Scheduling
Faculty can use the Registrar's Classroom Webviewer to check out what rooms are available and when. Please note that you can only visit this website while on campus. To review your current class time and locations, please check Explore Courses.
Book orders are placed through the central office to ensure timely provision of desk copies for the teaching team.
Course Readers
Preparation of Course Readers is the responsibility of the course faculty. If your course will have a Course Reader, please assemble copies of the material and provide a set to the staff by August 1st for autumn quarter, November 1st for winter quarter; and March 1st for spring quarter. In an effort to control costs and respect University policies regarding fair use, COLLEGE is centrally handling the production of Course Readers. In recent years, some Readers have grown large and expensive. Please be aware that while students can sell textbooks back to the bookstore, they cannot do so with photocopied Readers. It might be useful to use Readers only for required material on the syllabus, but not for texts that are merely recommended.
Student Advising
If you have any concerns about a student’s academic or non-academic well-being and performance, please contact Dayo Mitchell.